Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Alot has happened....

Night at XiMengDing alone...... lots of plp rite?
Hello Kitty Shop! All Pink!
Pooh and Frenz at the airport!
Since last entry, i had changed a new job...in a totally new environment...been on a business trip and back recently also...

Nowadays life doesn't seem to be so interesting.... every weekdays is about work and weekends i try to rest as much as possible... Work is so overloaded tat sometimes i wonder if i can make pass probation...

Mayb i should encourage myself more tho? Things are not very bad also...i can get to go to Taiwan for business trips (but muz drink with distribtuors and dealers hahahaha....) But nowadays i don't have the time to catch up with my frenz also...sometimes i misses them but sometimes i was wondering if i'm the onli one whom thought so..... (Librans always like to think on both sides....that's me!)

K mayb show you guys some nice pics i took from Taiwan
This blog is like my private diary (online)...nver told any frenz (mayb for one) about this blog...
Till next entry again.... (thinking of mayb creating a theme for my blog or used it for earning money hahahah sell stuffs online...will anyone buy?)